Intranet Customisation Ideas to Match Your Company Culture

With more and more workers clocking on from remote locations, intranets have to be more than just a cut-and-dry digital space. Personalisation is the key to enhancing user experience and engagement on the platform; and it’s a great way to establish your organisation’s culture! Intranet customisation not only offers quick access to key resources and powerful tools, but it’s the best way to demonstrate the tone, values, and atmosphere of your organisation. Do you shout success stories from the rooftops? Do you encourage conversation, friendly competition, and pet pics? 

As experts in intranet solutions, we know what is takes to build successful intranets that feel authentic to a company’s culture. Here are our top tips! 

Get to Know Your Current Organisations Culture and Intranet Users! 

First things first – let’s start by understanding your organisation’s vibe. Conduct fun surveys, chat with your employees, and gather insights on what makes your organisation tick. Is it the quirky office rituals, or the special birthday celebrations that bond your team together? Find out what makes your culture rock already, and ensure that your intranet platform resonates with it. 

Spruce Up Your User Interface and Navigation Menus 

First impressions matter, and your intranet’s user interface and intuitive navigation are the gateways to a seamless digital workplace experience! Keep it neat, organised, and user-friendly. Think of it as a map with clearly marked signposts leading to helpful and cool intranet features. Make navigation a breeze with menu navigation, intuitive icons, and a smart search feature. Your intranet users will love you for it, and they’ll find relevant content with ease. 

Embrace Your Company Colours and Branding 

Recognisable branding is key, and the intranet should reflect your company’s palette and brand content strategy. Infuse your colours into the intranet design with a subtle hint or a splash of vibrancy. It will make your employee intranet stand out from the bland sea of corporate monotony. 

Shout Out Company Superstars 

Every superhero needs a spotlight, and so do your star employees! Create a special corner on your intranet to showcase their extraordinary achievements. Let the world know about their fantastic feats and contributions. It not only boosts morale but also inspires others to unleash their inner superheroes! 

Game On with Gamification and Document Management! 

Who says work can’t be fun? Turn your intranet into a virtual playground with gamification elements. Award badges for completing tasks, organise friendly competitions, and let the spirit of healthy rivalry run wild! It’s a fantastic way to keep your team motivated and engaged while having a blast. Additionally, streamline your document management by ensuring your intranet is a repository of updated, relevant content, eliminating outdated content.

Two women sit side by side, one points at a laptop to define the channels in Microsoft Teams

Virtual Watercooler Chats and Internal Communications

Working remotely doesn’t mean you can’t have those casual watercooler chats! Integrate social collaboration tools into your intranet. Let your team share funny GIFs, memes, and virtual high-fives. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and connection, no matter where your employees are. Effective internal communications are key to ensuring that everyone stays informed and engaged. 

Learning Made Fun and Easy with Personalised Intranet Experiences!

No one likes tedious training sessions, right? Make learning a delightful experience by curating engaging learning resources on your intranet. From interactive quizzes to captivating webinars, make sure your employees have a whale of a time while they acquire new skills. Tailor the user profile and content to create personalised intranet experiences for each employee.

One for All, All for One with Custom Platforms! 

Encourage collaboration and teamwork with project-specific group spaces on your intranet. Let your employees brainstorm, exchange ideas, and conquer challenges together. It’s like building a digital treehouse where everyone is invited to share their brilliant insights. A custom platform that caters to your company’s specific needs will make the experience even more powerful. 

Privacy is Golden

Demonstrate to your employees that security is a top priority at your organisation. Ensure your intranet has robust security measures, protecting sensitive information like personal details and client information. Implement secure authentication processes and grant access permissions based on job roles to keep your data safe and sound. 

Your Opinion Matters!

Listening to your employees is key to keeping the intranet experience top-notch. Set up feedback forms and surveys to gather valuable insights from your team. What do they love about the intranet? What could be improved? Let their voices shape the future of your intranet. Stay ahead of the game by regularly analysing data and trends. Test new features, gather feedback, and keep enhancing your intranet to match your growing culture.

A screenshot from Microsoft Forms, showing a question asking 'how satisfied are you with the intranet navigation system' out of five stars

Build a Customised Intranet with Propelle 

By sprucing up the user interface, embracing your brand colours, and infusing gamification elements, you can create a modern design that improves employee satisfaction and creates an engaging employee experience. With social collaboration tools and multi-language support, you’ll foster a sense of community and inclusion, making everyone feel right at home. Keep listening to your employees, improving the intranet, and watch your company culture bloom like never before! 

And if you want some expert help, you can call in the intranet specialists at Propelle. We’re expert SharePoint intranet consultants with a focus on building well-designed intranets that give your team instant access to tools they need to keep your organisation thriving. If you’re ready to level up from basic functions and add in some advanced intranet features, we’re just a call away.

FAQs About Intranet Customisation 

Can intranet customisation boost employee engagement? 

Absolutely! By aligning the intranet with your company culture and making it more user-friendly and fun, employees are more likely to stay engaged and connected. 

How can gamification elements benefit the company? 

Gamification adds a playful element to work, encouraging healthy competition and motivating employees to excel in their tasks. 

What’s the best way to gather employee feedback on the intranet? 

Set up simple feedback forms and surveys on the intranet, making it easy for employees to share their thoughts and suggestions. 

How often should the intranet be updated? 

Continuous improvement is the key! Regularly analyse data and trends, and make updates as necessary to keep the intranet fresh and relevant. That’s why we recommend SharePoint intranets – they are easy to maintain and lots of fun to customise! 

Is a SharePoint Intranet customisable? 

A SharePoint intranet allows for intranet customisation, enabling organisations to tailor the platform to their specific needs and company culture. If you’re planning an intranet migration to SharePoint, get in touch with our expert intranet developers for advice and guidance.

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