Spreading Festive Cheer:
Remote and Hybrid Style!

Some say that there are two types of people in this world; those who love Christmas and the festive season, and those who don’t! Or maybe there is a continuum, and we all fall somewhere on it? Whatever the case, we are here to share some festive season cheer ideas for remote and hybrid workplaces.

Do you remember the days of the dusty and tattered Christmas decorations coming out? Someone standing unsafely on an office chair, blu-tacking tinsel to the wall? For many people living the remote working dream, their digital workplace spares them of these horrors. But festive cheer is important for workplace culture and connection. It is an opportunity to spice up the monotony of a working day, celebrate the end of a calendar year, and for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere, it marks the start of the Summer break.

So, the team at Propelle have put together this list of ideas to sprinkle a little Christmas in your remote and hybrid workplaces. Enjoy!

  • Add some festive touches to your SharePoint Intranet. Try Microsoft Designer for some ideas
  • Change up your MS Teams backgrounds with something festive. We found some wonderful designs here 
  • Ditch the Thumbs-Up emoji in your Teams Chats and use the Christmas Tree emoji instead!
  • Establish a Christmas Countdown on your Intranet home page… or a Minutes to Office Closure for those desperate for a break!
  • Create a Christmas Playlist for the team to add their favourite Christmas tunes. The Propelle team have created a Spotify Playlist – just the plus person icon to “invite collaborators” and everyone can add songs directly (tip – the functionality seems to work more efficiently on the App rather than using your browser)
  • Get some friendly competition going with and End of Year quiz. Use Microsoft Forms, and here’s our tips.
  • Christmas themed virtual morning tea or afternoon drinks
  • Unify your end of year message in your Emails by adding a company wide signature with end of year well wishes and closure dates. Here are steps for your M365 administrator
  • Festive season dress up competition for your Teams meetings
  • Fun with Elf On The Shelf – add an elf randomly to your Teams chats, Intranet pages, internal documents. You may want to run a competition to see who spots the Elf first or the most times
  • Create a Teams chat for everyone to share some photos of their Christmas tree, decorations, festive season celebrations and so on
  • Create a Teams Channel for everyone to post and file their favourite festive season recipes

We love supporting digital workplaces and we believe that we can use the technology to continue to connect and celebrate. Take a few moments to consider what you can do in your remote or hybrid workplace to spread the festive season cheer. And if you have any other ideas or traditions, we would love to hear from you! 

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