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Two women stand in front of a whiteboard covered in writing and orange Post-Its,.
Change & Engagement

Migrating Your Intranet from Jive to SharePoint Online

If you’re planning to migrate from Jive to SharePoint Online, there’s some steps you should take to ready your organisation for the big shift. Having completed hundreds of migrations from various sources to SharePoint, we have a unique understanding of the end-to-end process.
Check out the steps for planning a successful intranet migration.

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A smartphone screen laying horizontal on a dark surface, unlocked to show apps covering the screen.
Tech Tips

Top Tips for Building Your First App in Power Apps

Microsoft Power Apps is an intuitive and low-code development platform that allows you to create custom business applications. To get you started, we’ve collated some of our experts’ top tips so that you can get the most out of your Power Apps experience.

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A screenshot of the steps involved in how to create workflows in Power Automate.

How to Create Child Flows in Power Automate

Power Automate is a powerful and flexible platform for creating and managing workflows and process automation scenarios. In more complex workflows, we find it may become necessary to build child flows. In this article, we’ll walk you step by step through how to create child flows in Power Automate.

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A woman sits at a desk, windows beyond showing lots of greenery. A laptop is open in front of her.
Change & Engagement

How to Support Remote Working in 2023

As a completely remote workforce, Propelle is always looking for new ways to support and engage our team members. Here’s a few ways we and other forward-thinking organisations are continuing to support remote working in 2023.

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