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A close up of the last page of a contract and a pen. The world 'SIGNATURE' is at the bottom.

Automating Document Creation with Power Automate

One of the biggest pain points that our clients bring to us is that it takes too long to manually create and input data into documents. In these scenarios, we propose a simple solution: have you considered automating document creation with Power Automate?

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A man in a white shirt sips from a mug, sitting at a desk. A computer screen and open notebooks are on the desk.

Turning Your Intranet into a Digital Workplace

One of the biggest concerns we hear from organisations ahead of rolling out their intranet is, ‘How do we make sure people use it?’ So how can you turn your intranet into a digital workplace that will not only entice employees to engage with your organisation, but will serve a practical purpose?

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A woman views her open laptop, the screen visible to us.

How to Build an Extranet in SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint is one of the more popular intranet platforms on the market, used by organisations across the world. But did you know that you can also build an extranet in SharePoint and Office 365?

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