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An open notebook, on the right hand side is a long check list with boxes in the left-hand margin. A hand with a pen is in the bottom right corner.
Change & Engagement

A Checklist for a Successful Jive to SharePoint Migration

Migrating from Jive to SharePoint can be a challenging task, but with proper planning and execution, the transition can be seamless. Having helped many clients make the move to SharePoint, our experts know what you should be ticking off as you plan and execute the transition.

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A group of people sit casually around a desk in an office.

Latest 2023 Nintex Innovations: Explore New Features & Tools

Propelle is proud to have a long-standing partnership with Nintex, an internationally renowned automation platform that has big things coming in 2023. We spoke to Marcus Platt from Nintex to ask him about how Nintex approaches automation, the new solutions Nintex provides for clients, and how they plan to expand their offerings this year.

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A woman sits at a desk, windows beyond showing lots of greenery. A laptop is open in front of her.
Change & Engagement

How to Support Remote Working in 2023

As a completely remote workforce, Propelle is always looking for new ways to support and engage our team members. Here’s a few ways we and other forward-thinking organisations are continuing to support remote working in 2023.

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An over the shoulder shot of a person typing on a laptop, the screen showing various graphs and data.

Utilising Local and On-Premises Data in Power BI

It’s not unusual for organisations to have a local data source stored on-site, rather than in the cloud. If this is your situation, you’ll need to take a couple of extra steps to be able to analyse that local data in Power BI, in a secure way. In this article, we’ll explain how you can connect local or on-premises data with your cloud-based Power BI.

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