Honan Insurance Group & Propelle:
Project Indigo

Project Indigo has been recognised for excellence in delivering real-time data analytics dashboards. Here’s a snapshot of the project, but if you would like more about the possibilities for your organisation, get in touch today.

The Organisation:

Founded in Melbourne, Australia, Honan Insurance Group has been operating since 1964. Honan is an organisation with a passion for driving business growth, and backing local business with flexible and seamless insurance experiences.

With upwards of 30,000 clients spanning across 8 offices globally, Honan is known for it’s ability to analyse the most complex of business models, ensuring risk profiles are comprehensive, fair and transparent.  

The Challenge:

Meeting consumer expectations in a highly competitive industry


Honan Insurance retains a customer history that is invaluable in allowing organisations to minimise incidents requiring insurance claims.

However, the ability to present this data in a meaningful and proactive way was not previously available. In some instances, pulling together reports of incidents based on customer request could take up to a week – with only broad level information across months or quarters available.

Honan identified a need to provide their customers with on-demand and in-depth insights into the incidents that were impacting insurance premiums. This  information would be used to predict and avoid common reasons for insurance claims to be lodged. Solving this challenge would require maintaining data security while aggregating information from bespoke and disparate systems.

The Solution:

A game changing industry first

In partnership with Propelle, Honan Insurance Group is able to provide their customers with an analytics dashboard called Indigo. Key to the project  requirements was an intuitive, easy to use system  that Honan is able to manage and maintain in  house. Data security, user level access, customer control and customisability were also high priorities.

Looking at their existing tools, a combination of Office 365 leveraging Power BI and SharePoint was quickly chosen as an ideal solution for these data analytics dashboards.

Honan customers are now able to access real-time data and analytics that allow them to query, pivot, slice & dice data, and enables each customer with a measure of control over their risk factors. Being able to view their history of claims and incidents allows Honan customers to identify trends and forecast costs, while giving them the peace of mind that their premiums are in line with their risk profiles. It also  allows them to work on strategies that prevent  common behaviours that may end in an insurance claim.

The Outcome:

An award winning solution

Indigo by Honan provides the ability to transform years of claims and incident data into big picture trend analysis and loss forecasting, custom-built to the customer’s needs, and enabling higher quality, data-driven business decisions as a result. Indigo by Honan has been recognised as a winner of the Insurance Business Australia 5-Star Technology awards, which identify the companies that have provided some of the most innovative insurance technology solutions the market has ever seen.


The Propelle Difference:

Propelle was able to quickly identify not only the solution to the challenge but the best possible  software, allowing Honan to take this unique  offering to market in an unprecedented global  crisis. Propelle’s expertise and commitment to  ensuring value to the customer was a driving factor in the success of this project, an insurance industry first in transparent analysis and reporting.

“Propelle had the ability to truly comprehend our goal for this project, and execute with their advice and expertise in the chose software. They delivered an exceptional product, and we were thrilled to have been awarded the Insurance Business Australia’s 5-star Technology Award for Indigo.” Poppy Foxton – National Head of Corporate Insurance and Risk Solutions – Honan Insurance Group


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