SharePoint for Construction

Construction is not as simple as bricks and mortar. It is a web of projects, tasks, and collaborations that stand to gain significantly from the digital revolution. The building site has become a digital workplace. SharePoint, an integral part of the Office 365 suite, offers a platform for enhanced organisation and tools designed to revolutionise the construction industry. The success of construction projects comes down to how well they are managed. And creating a digital workplace specifically for construction project management is where the magic happens. Combining the robustness of SharePoint with the versatility of Office 365, construction professionals can tap into a myriad of benefits:

  • real-time collaboration
  • cloud-based access
  • integrated applications like Teams and Planner
  • advanced security features to protect sensitive data
  • always available access to content online or offline using OneDrive

All these attributes culminate in more streamlined, efficient, and productive construction operations.

Our Top 10 SharePoint Features for Contruction

Now, let’s delve deeper and explore ten standout benefits that make SharePoint and Office 365 invaluable additions to the digital workplace, aka the construction industry:

  1. Efficient Document Management: With SharePoint, gone are the days of sifting through heaps of files and reems of project reports. SharePoint offers an intuitive system to organise, track, and manage documents, ensuring that the right version is always within easy reach for the entire Project Team. SharePoint enables the management of project files to be organised and categorised clearly. And on top of that, construction firms love that permissions are easily set to documents so that the right people can access what they need.

  2. Unified Task Management: Overseeing multiple tasks becomes effortless with SharePoint’s integrated Task List and Microsoft Planner. This central hub allows for clear delegation, progress tracking, and deadline management, streamlining the workflow. With everyone knowing their tasks, gone are the says of clunky team communication. 

  3. Access Anywhere, Anytime: SharePoint’s mobile adaptability ensures that vital project data is accessible both on-site and off. This real-time access bridges the communication gap between office and field teams. Everyone has instant access to the project schedule and knows the project status from remote locations. This means when you are offline too, all project files can be synced and always available on your laptop, tablet or mobile using OneDrive.

  4. Collaborative Workspaces: Clean up communication on construction projects with clever collaboration. Foster efficient teamwork with SharePoint’s Team Sites. These dedicated spaces allow for seamless interaction, ensuring that all stakeholders, from architects to suppliers, are on the same page. Say goodbye to complicated email chains! You read it right, external parties can be invites into your SharePoint Team site so you are all working from the same set of documents.

  5. Automated Workflows: To reach project management oasis, SharePoint will simplify processes like approvals with custom workflows. By reducing manual steps and streamlining approval processes, SharePoint ensures consistency and speeds up project milestones. Leveraging Power Automate, you can build custom approval flows on reports, drawings you name it. All of this is supported by full major and minor version control in SharePoint.

  6. Seamless Integration: SharePoint’s compatibility with other Microsoft tools enhances its utility and is the driver to making this effective collaboration happen. This integration ensures that tools like Microsoft Teams and Power BI work in tandem to amplify productivity, engaging the entire team. Create financial reports with data from your financial systems, and have them displayed in real-time on your site. 

  7. Prioritising Safety and Compliance: With SharePoint, it’s easier to manage and monitor safety protocols and compliance documentation. Features like reminders ensure that safety remains a top priority no matter the location, get alerts whenever a document is updated or added. You can easily build in site safety inspections using Power Apps. And with Microsoft’s focus on complete security your data is in safe hands.

  8. Data-Driven Dashboards: Transform raw data into actionable insights. SharePoint’s Power BI integration allows for the creation of insightful dashboards, helping project managers make informed decisions. Imagine all of that important data in a central location; the complete project metrics in one spot. Using real-time updates, construction project management is able to stay on track.

  9. Centralised Knowledge Repository: SharePoint’s capacity for creating a knowledge base ensures that best practices, guidelines, and past experiences are easily accessible, fostering continuous learning. Upcoming projects will benefit from the learnings of historical projects, ensuring that construction project teams are always sharpening their tools. You can even automation the project initiation process from estimates, financials right through to site setup and onboarding.

  10. Feedback Mechanisms
    Using SharePoint’s tools, you can effectively gather feedback from your team. This paves the way for continuous improvement and ensures that the voice of both the team and key stakeholders is heard.

construction people looking at drawings

In the ever evolving world of construction and project management, standing still is not an option. By integrating platforms like SharePoint and Office 365, you’re not just keeping pace; you’re propelling forward, streamlining operations and forging paths of innovation. Nailing collaboration processes and automation in the construction industry are key to projects being delivered on time and on budget. The advantages are clear, the potential immense, and the tools are right at your fingertips.

Why navigate this transformative journey alone when expert guidance is just a call away? At Propelle, we’re passionate about leveraging technology to drive construction into a new era of efficiency and productivity. Our consulting team have worked with loads of construction companies to ensure their SharePoint environment suits their way of working. Whether you’re just starting to explore digital solutions for an upcoming project or seeking to optimise your existing setup, we’re here to help.

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