5 Quick Wins with AI

Getting some quick wins with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be done with consideration and a targeted approach. AI seems to be the answer to everything at the moment, which leaves many of us with the feeling of ‘where do I start?’. We have put together this list of quick wins to get you on the path of AI.

Quick win # 1

Use AI to produce meeting summaries. Products like Otter and Microsoft Copilot can “attend” your meetings and produce a meeting summary and list of actions. It’s great for summarising all the key discussion points, getting action items and formulating meeting minutes – treat them as a good draft, always be sure to review and check for accuracy.

Quick win # 2

Incorporate a chat bot into your intranet for content such as Policy and Procedure documents. This allows team members to “ask” questions about how things are to be done, when they should be done, whilst also receiving a reference to the specific document that the response has come from. It’s great for new starters and existing staff, as its quicker than trawling through your Policy library to find the right information.

Quick win # 3

Quickly get started on content production. When given good prompts, ChatGPT can be very helpful to create document outlines and structure.  Just remember the key to getting good content is the quality of your prompt. People will often complain that AI provides generic responses with no depth, this is often because the request or prompt was generic in nature. Be sure to include “Role” and “Goal” in your prompts. Role: who are you asking the prompt to be? It might be a Project Manager creating a report, a finance manager summarising financial results. And get specific as AI will do the rest. Goal: what do you want? You might provide prompts like ‘I want you to summarise the financial results I have provided so I can email this to the Executive Leadership Team.’ Or ‘I want you to provide a concise summary of the meeting we just had, including key discussion points, decisions and actions.’ But remember your personal and organisational privacy considerations with what prompts you provide.

Quick win # 4

Summarise content, such as emails and documents to produce a succinct overview in a flash. Microsoft Copilot for 365 is a great tool for doing this. Long email threads can be summarised in seconds and getting a summary of a report prior to a meeting can be invaluable. Did you know you can get it to read the summary to you also? If you are running late and in the car, this is great!

Quick win # 5

Convert content between formats. Have you ever tried to copy content out of a PDF into Excel, only to lose all the table and cell information? Grab your content, drop it into Copilot, and ask for a table you can paste into Excel. We have even done this to create process maps and translate developer code from one language to another. So much time to be saved avoiding the formatting headaches!

To get the most out of AI and to benefit your organisation, choose some approaches and tools that will enhance how you currently work. Using AI to implement major change to your operations and collaboration behaviours requires thorough planning, integration and change management. But there are some ways that AI can be introduced without causing chaos.

Start by looking at the way your organisation and team operate and where AI tools can piggy-back existing processes to ease the load on humans. Our team of experts can help you choose what parts of your processes can be assisted by AI and identify the technology to enable this.

Once you have chosen the quick wins with AI to support your team, you need to train them. The teams that benefit the most out of AI, and use it appropriately, are the teams who have had training. 

Training should include:

  • When to use AI and when to avoid it.
  • How to craft inputs to get the best results.
  • Considerations for AI safety and ethics.
  • The human element – reviewing and fact checking.
  • Overview of your organisations AI policies, procedures and tools.

Using AI across your organisations content including Intranet, Documents, Reports, Emails and more is a great way to ground the responses in the great content you have already written. However, it is important you have security over what content AI has access to. You don’t want people accessing your sensitive content via AI, when they wouldn’t normally have access to it. This is where reviewing your existing security policies and classifications is crucial if you want to be confident as you extend AI across the organisation.

Using AI can be a great asset – some of the tools are free or low cost. And if you implement AI that supports your current ways of working, you will quickly benefit from its inclusion. However, AI can be used poorly, providing generic content, or out-of-date responses. Proper support, guidance and training will minimise the downsides and ensure that your organisation continues to be unique. Our team of experts can tailor AI training to your organisation, and in a way that supports your ways of working and the tools that you choose. We are here to help you get some quick wins with AI – reach out to learn more. 

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